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piątek, 30 październik 2015 09:12

Studia prawnicze na Cyprze - wywiad z Antonisem Theodosiousem Wyróżniony

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Are you interested in what legal studies in Cyprus look like? Do you think that being active volunteer can help you to become a better lawyer in future? Are you curious why it is worth to take part in Erasmus in Cyprus? If so, I encourage you to read an interview with Antonis Theodosiou, who is an alumnus of law at the The University of Cyprus and student of the Master of Laws (LLM) at University College London in London.


Kinga Mierzyńska: At the beginning I am really interested in why did you decide to study law? You treat being a lawyer as a mission? In retrospect are you unreservedly satisfied that you have made that decision?

Antonis Theodosiou: I could catch myself, quite often, trying to figure out how society regulates itself and how individuals settle their disputes in courts. That was my inner pulse, which then turned to a desire to master the art of practicing law, so I could be able to advise people on how they could get the most out of what the law provides for their interests. I do not see myself as pursuing law practice as a mission. It is rather a modus vivendi. Mastering law fulfills and beautifies my world.

Clearly, I see it as a successful decision. Even if I have not managed to establish my own law firm yet, I have had so many doors opened so far. That was the result of hard work both at academic and practice level.

K.M.: According to your resume - you had opportunity to study law at The University of Cyprus. Could you tell us more about your legal studies in Cyprus?

A.T.: University of Cyprus is a leading institution in Cyprus. It has recently made itself to the 400 top universities in the world; quite an achievement if you realize that it is only 28 years old. The academics are amongst their greatest in their fields. The institution was recently reestablished to a new, modern campus with high-tech facilities and pro-environmental attitude. The department of law, effectively contributes to the analysis and development of the law in Cyprus.

I studied law in the Department of Law of the University of Cyprus and I have been awarded the Bachelor in Laws (LL.B.) degree with grade excellent, in 2012. The following year I have been a trainee lawyer in a boutique law firm in Larnaca. That same law firm offered me an employment contract for another year, which I graciously accepted. As an associate I largely dealt with company law. I have been accepted to the Cyprus Bar Association in 2014 and until recently I practiced law as free lancer. I dealt mostly with company law and trademarks. During that same period I served as a Research Assistant in the Department of Law of the University of Cyprus. I am now pursuing my Master in Law (LL.M) in the University College London.

K.M.: You're planning to study Master of Laws at University College London in September. What had an impact on your choice and what field you're going to specialize?

A.T.: I wanted to specialize in areas of law which share a cross-border entrepreneurial perspective, and I aspired to do so in one of the best universities in the world. At the moment I am following: International Arbitration, International Commercial Litigation, Marine Insurance Law and Corporate Finance. If my candidacy is successful, I will be awarded the Master of Laws (LLM) International Commercial Law specialism.

K.M.: You’re an active volunteer in True Nature Connection - a foundation which goal is to educate people on matters concerning pet ownership, education and therapy. Would you like to engage, as a lawyer, in actions related to the protection of animal rights?

A.T.: I would of course like to be involved in the struggle against animal abuse in Cyprus. Animals have always been part of my family. All they can teach you is unconditional love. My dog Fredo constantly helps me discharge stress and anxiety by just being around. Not all of us in Cyprus can realize that. It’s a common ground that Cypriot society is poorly educated in matters concerning pet ownership. When I am reestablished in Cyprus I will devote my legal expertise in preserving the welfare of animals in Cyprus.

K.M.: Who is your authority among professional lawyers? Do you have somebody who inspires you to continue working in the legal profession and motivate to improve your skills?

A.T.: My idol and inspiration is all these successful lawyers that fought their way to the elite practitioners without preferential treatment and lobbying activities on their behalf by circles sharing mutual interest with them, but rather they did so with their sharp minds and hard work.

K.M.: How do you want to improve your career prospects and employability skills in nearly future?Do you have any specific ideas for your professional work except scientific development in London?

A.T.: I feel ready enough to establish my own law office in Cyprus. I am fully aware of the fact that this is a quite difficult task, but an enormous energy flow running inside me is ready to be released towards this target. London will not merely provide me with an enhanced legal background, but also allow me to experience private international law in practice and create my own network of business partners around the world.

K.M.: I know that your biggest passion is traveling. Would like to explore other countries, meet their culture, visit most beautiful places and by the way - learn about their legal system?

A.T.: I believe that a truly wise mind is only forged by experiencing new cultures, people and places. Such a peaceful planet we would have if people were keen of experiencing new lifestyles and ethics, instead of pointing differences between nations. I wish I would be able to travel around the world constantly. By 2016 onwards I will start traveling to Latin America.

K.M.: How will you encourage students from Poznan to take part in Erasmus in Cyprus?

A.T.: Being an Erasmus student in Cyprus is a unique experience. Students will be acquainted with the southern European lifestyle, feel the warmth of the sun and experience the Cyprus hospitality. Prepare yourselves to be mesmerized by our crystal blue sea and ecstatic with the taste of the Mediterranean cuisine. You can combine fun with a high-caliber education. Cyprus university institutes provide degrees in accordance with the international standard within modern facilities.

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